Welcome Home

“It’s ironic that people with anxiety are freaking out in their head because they are acting abnormally. Meanwhile, the people interacting with them are freaking out in their heads because they are worried they may say or do something wrong. All the while, both people are acting like the world is just great and nothing is wrong.”

                                                                                                    – J –

 I’ve helped many people over the years to use the tools and techniques that I use to handle my fear and anxiety. At the encouragement (promoting, poking, prodding, shaming, abuse, and having.. just kidding, of course) of my friends, I built this site to share my tools and solutions. It’s here to help others to share what they know as well.

My goal is to create a community that allows what has and has worked to be shared and to offer a safe, judgment-free place for people to acknowledge and talk about anxiety and how it affects our lives.

“The 10 Calmandments”

1) I’m in charge of my feelings    6) I say, “oh well, that happened…”
2) The world’s problems aren’t mine    7) I bless others’ blessings
3) Anxiety is a defense mechanism    8) I know my real value
4) I seek joy, not happiness    9) I will not self-sabotage”
5) Forgiveness is for me, not them    10) I have an attitude of gratitude”